Grind, hustle, commitment. This is where Alphas become elite, or dreams come to an all-stop. This is the part of the conversation that we need to look at the hard truth about ourselves. It's where you have to ask, "How bad do you really want it?" Really ask yourself that because we can all want bigger and better things. We can all want to live "that" life, but we don't all get to live it.
It's because you have to want it enough to put the extra work in. Got a job you hate, but can't quit because you don't have the skills to get anything better? I did, and I didn't help myself when I would give 100% to my job, come home to then smoke weed and play video games or watch anime. This is not to judge anyone that does, and with the right time management system, you can do those things too. Yet, if that is all you do, and not work on your development, not "grind" for your dreams then you aren't going to live "that life". You have to want it so bad, that you are willing to sacrifice that which wastes your time, and 10x your life.
Grant Cardone wrote a book, 10X that helped me change the way I approached my dreams, my goals. Uncle G taught you to take actions that are 10 times (10x) what you believe are necessary to achieve your goals. Cardone made it clear that your "success is your duty, obligation, and responsibility". You have to take yourself to a whole new level that is uncomfortable, because Uncle G said, "comfort makes more prisoners than all the jails combined".
Look, no one is going to give us the tools to make it big in life. To want more money, a better home, and nice car is normal for anyone. To get it requires hustle in whatever you need to do to get there. If you want a promotion or new career and need new skills, then 10x your effort to learn those skills. They say you need ten thousand hours to become an expert, so there is no time to waste. If you want your bosses, your company leadership to start noticing you, then you have to outwork everyone else.
Want your own business, got an idea for a product to sell, or have a skill you can make money from? Only hustle and grind will make your dreams, no scratch that-your GOALS happen. There is always someone out there that wants what you want. If there is a customer with $20 to spend and you have a product and I have a product that cost the same, guess what? I am going to work my ass off to get that $20.00, I am not in the business of helping you. I got my own goals to achieve.
You are going to have to outwork me, hustle harder than me, beat me on the grind if you want that sale. If there is a job opening with 20 applicants at your place of employment, hustle and grind will set you apart from everyone else. What was it that Yoda said? "Do or do not, there is no try"
There are 24-hours in a day, you need at least 6 hours to sleep, that leaves you 18 hours left. You have plenty of time every day to put in the work. You can do this! The burden of responsibility has to weigh on your shoulders, you have to hold yourself accountable to that development. You have to hustle and grind; have to commit to what it takes to get it done. No one is going to order you to put down that video game controller and pick up that book to read. No one is going to order you to stop spending hours scrolling tic toc for funny videos, when you can be taking a Udemy class on business. It on you to make it happen.
I challenge you to get started, read Grant Cardone's 10X book, or listen to it on audio. It worked for me; it can work for you.
The Alpha
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