I was born with something inside......
My path was not conventional. I was born in the Bronx to parents who never read the instructions on how to raise a kid. That's okay, because I am not the only one. I was not raised on the path towards success and excellence. That is also okay, many of us were not. That path was not made for me, and that path was not made for many of you who read this.
I was not a good student because I didn't know the value of education until decades after I dropped out of school. Yes, the person behind this blog is a high school drop-out. I spent decades working low wage jobs, bouncing checks, asking friends for $20 every now and then. Even though I was surrounded by a great group of friends, they enabled me. Ended up actually working for a few of them. Free drinks at bars, free meals when we hung out, free weed when I needed to get high, and a ride to work when I didn't have enough for bus fare. I lived in single rooms for most of my young life, struggled to pay the rent, tanked my credit because I never knew how to manage money.
I lived the D-student life.
Yet, there was something inside of me that wanted more. Something inside that was sick of being broke, sick of looking at nice cars while I waited for the bus. I was so sick of the look on my friends and family when they knew I did not have a dollar in the bank. That something inside of me wanted more, was hungry for more. That something inside of me was clawing to get out, filling my head with dreams of a great career, a nice car, a big house, a family.
I decided it was time to let that something inside out!
I got my GED, went to technical school for some skills, graduated and got to work. I took stock of everything I learned in life, every skill I was comfortable to say I had. I looked into the mirror at the person staring back at me and faced the hard truth. I was lacking what was necessary to be the person I wanted to be and was committed to developing myself.
It was time to unleash the Alpha within, and I did. Today I make great money, have a beautiful family, live in a nice place, and am a Regional Sales Manager. I have met with C-suite corporate officers', state directors, elected officials, and have built credibility in my professional market space.
I got here by making the sacrifices, asking the right questions, setting my goals, and paving a path on the road by unleashing the Alpha within. It's not easy, but if everything in life was easy, we would be all rich, right? The success I have today is not exclusive to me, and it is yours to enjoy too. The first step is over, because by reading this you have already taken THAT first step. You already hear that something inside of you speaking, wanting better things.
Now how do we let it out? I will share the path I took, the steps I walked that opened the doors to a better life. Not every chess move made may agree with you. The path forward for me may not be the same path for you. My hope is that it will spark an idea within to carve your own way because you do want a better life. A step up on the life ladder, or whatever that someone inside is craving for.
That is your Alpha within....
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